
Alex Soldano, 28, and his girlfriend, Sam Jones, 26, were supposed to fly out at 5 p.m., but they were delayed five times due to weather, and finally were told to board the plane at 10:45 p.m.


Then, as the bleary-eyed passengers were lining up after multiple delays, Soldano said they were told that due to an 11 p.m. curfew at the airport, the flight was cancelled. They didn’t leave until 5 p.m. the following day.

Air Canada provided no assistance to passengers to get onto other flights, make hotel reservations, or even buy meals at the airport, he said.

Although sometime around 1 a.m., and after much pleading from hungry and frustrated passengers, Air Canada staff gave them “a meal” consisting of a dinner roll and crackers.

“Air Canada staff told us they were trying their best, but said, ‘We’re not looking into hotels’ … people were starting to get quite aggressive about needing food and so we said why don’t you just pull the dinner off the plane, and they said they had to talk to customs about it,” Soldano said.

With no dinner and no hotel, Soldano took photos and posted them on social media to cheekily “thank” Air Canada for the horrible service.

Here is a source to the whole story.

I haven’t been treated poorly by Air Canada in the past but not sure why they would not put them up in a hotel?


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