Shopping Online + Extra Frequent Flyer Miles = My life story.
Wait until I post my bathroom renovation to see all the frequent flyer miles I earned by renovating.
Here is the summary of the current promos to stock up:
1. The Aeroplan Estore has the promo for up to 5x the points (I see less and less about the Estore from Aeroplan).

2. 15x the Aeroplan Miles for your first purchase (Until July 15).

3. Air Miles e-store promotion. Base Offer: Earn 1 AIR MILES® reward mile for every $20 CDN that you spend per transaction per online store excluding shipping, handling and taxes. Base offer may vary, click on online store logo on for offer details. All online stores are subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice at anytime. Collector must sign in at airmilesshops.cabefore purchasing in order to earn reward miles. Reward miles will appear in your Collector Account within 60 days.
LIMITED TIME OFFER. AIR MILES reward miles multiplier offer applies to the total base reward miles earned on qualifying purchase amount excluding shipping, duty and taxes. Online store offers are subject to change without notice. See specific online store for offer details and any restrictions. Bonus reward miles will appear in your Collector Account within 75 days.
I actually bought 2 vanities and they turned out nice (I will share in a future post) and I earned over 20,000 Aeroplan miles!
Any shopping promos I missed?