This is a great story! Meet travel bloggers Charli, 28, and Ben, 34, both from Norfolk, are one lucky couple living the house-sitting dream, having stayed in Las Vegas, Australia, Costa Rica, St Kitts and Nevis, New Zealand and Canada via the website


The majority of homeowners sign up to the site because they have a pet who needs looking after – and all the evidence suggests that animals are much more comfortable being cared for in their home environment.

Trusted Housesitter’s Marketing Director, Laurence Bresh explains: ‘The pet owner saves a large cost on kennels, while sitters save a small fortune in accommodation while travelling.

‘Research shows that pets are much happier in their own base, keeping to their own routine, than in a kennel or a cage.’

No money changes hands – rather, homeowners and sitters pay a small monthly fee, with the exchange of services proving to be a win-win for both parties. The length of the placement can vary from a few days to a few months.

What a great idea for a young couple if they love pets.

Check out their blog,

Would you ever pet-sit in a foreign country?